Tuesday 24 January 2012

Back to Basics – Bypass another costly knockdown, try out, building another system initiating common sense.

I am concerned, confused and outraged at the current state of our countries financial situation, I keep hearing on the news that we need to make cuts and save money, and the only solution seems to be to cut services and make more people unemployed, but we still have enough money to subsidise a failing railway and buy military jets at a cost of £125 million pounds each, we currently subsidise our so called privatised railway 5.2 billion per year, that money could be better spent, couldn’t it? I am not sure what gets me more annoyed, the fact that we buy fighter jets at such a high cost or that we pump money into a failing business, to be fair the cost of the jet also bemuses me, as we all know that someone somewhere is getting rich from this project, well they aint in it for the love are they.

Personally I think we should let the railway fail. Let it die, it’s obviously run by idiots who could not organise a Hornby train set never mind a multi-billion pound business. If we let it fail I am sure someone will step up and buy all or part of the network and run it to make a profit and a service people want to use, well they would have too wouldn’t they, or they too would fail, I think the people who are there at the minute don’t have enough motivation to make this work, well if it goes wrong we just throw more money at them.

As for the fighter jets, come on, if the government owned the company who make the planes, or here’s a wacky idea, if they created a company to do the job from scratch, surely it would be better, well there would be no big companies only in it for the money, I am sure before global markets and virtual money countries used to manage just fine, making electricity, supplying gas and all the other commodities we used to get from the government without any issues, well we know it did go wrong as before all the commodities were privatised they were losing money hand over fist, but hang on now these companies make massive profits? So perhaps this was not a good idea to sell these off for quick cash but we should have sacked all the idiots in charge and hired people who can make it work.

Maybe this government needs to look not at shrinking everything down but we need to stop helping failing businesses and buying over priced goods, and that includes the banks who created this issue in the first place, as I still see these people are still making more money out of our misery. We need to get the basics right put the right people in the right places and we could have a country which works even when all around us are falling over, this may be a naïve view but could things get much worse. Rant over.

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