Monday 13 February 2012

Scandal – Squandering Cash And News Duration Ascertain Legitimacy

I am confused, there is so much hype and coverage of journalists who have been using non legal methods to gather information about the rich and famous so they can expose scandals and deliver gossip into the hands of curious humans the next morning wrapped in adverts and half naked women.

So did we all believe this did not go on, or were we so engrossed in the stories being told we didn’t care how they gathered the information. Has the revelation that phones were hacked, emails were read, next they will be telling us they used bugs to listen in, or god forbid, paid informants or engaging parties to expose “The Truth”, who cares what is true, did we ever care, really?

So the police are investigating this “Crime” and spending a lot of our money doing so, why I ask? We all knew this was happening, or was I the only person in the country who knew, am I really alone in this, come on, own up, you knew too.

So lets stop wasting money, time, and good news coverage, on this subject let it go, we all knew they did it, and to be fair probably still are, they will just hide it better now.

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