Tuesday 3 January 2012


How to reduce unemployment in the uk. This idea may need refined but the basics are visible. What we need is legislation to force high earning companies to employ more people, this if done right could help the companies themselves also the economy as the people hired would not be earning a fortune so would need to spend the money to live. Also this would reduce the countries debt as less people would be relying on state handouts to get by. Really this is a win win situation. So the idea, each company who makes more than one million pounds clear profit, after tax, R&D etc but before shareholders take their dividend, this will stop companies hiding the profits. So for evey million pounds clear profit the company has to create five new jobs, and with this i mean five roles that don't already exist in the company. Now if a company declares one billion pounds in profit they would have too hire 5000 new staff, that's 5000 people helping the company make more money next year, 5000 people less in the dole queue, 5000 people pumping money back into the economy. Win win yes?

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