Tuesday 10 January 2012

High Speed Rail

Has the government lost the plot, they tell us that we need to cut back cos the previous administration over spent then they announce they are going to spend 33 billion on a high speed rail line between London and Birmingham. Lets put 33 billion into perspective thats about 200,000 extra police paid for the next 5 years, but hang on are we not making police redundant due to not being able to afford them, well i would rather have the police than a fancy train, its 250,000 jobs at the national average wage, for the next 5 years, and this would ultimately be pumped back into the economy and save money as they are not claiming state benifits. Also this wont even be started for 3 years and not ready to use till many more years later, 2026 if nothing goes wrong and we all know this will go wrong, and probably will go over budget, so we suffer now so in 14 years time a few rich people can get from Birmingham to London a couple of minutes sooner. This is going to cost 330 million per mile, that cannot be right, am I the only person who thinks this is a little expensive, i can come up with hundreds of better ideas for this money, also why are we paying for it, are you telling me the rail companies are not making money, if they are not mabye we should be looking at why not and sorting this out instead of throwing more of our money at it.

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